AkuafoLink Breakthroughs
Our idea is about a web app we have named AkuafoLink.
AkuafoLink will connect actors along the agricultural value chain to each other.
The actors on the app include producers who are farmers and engage in agricultural production, wholesalers and retailers who buy the produce from the farmers and distribute them to the consumers (those concerned with the consumption of the produce), financial services like banks who give loans to farmers, and consumers who buy from retailers and wholesalers.
We have been able to list the actors on the app, the various role they will play and how they will benefit form each other on AkuafoLink
We created a Google form and gave it to farmers to fill so as to know their challenges in terms of getting input supplies in customers.
We identified a challenge and develop the solution to that. The challenge was that most of the Farmers had limited number of input suppliers and customers. Based on this we brainstormed a solution to this challenge or problem.
The solution is that AkuafoLink will connect farmers to unlimited number of customers and input suppliers. On the web app, there will be details of input suppliers so that farmers can have access to them. Conducting a competitive analysis, our solution will help the various actors along the agricultural value chain since it's the first of it's kind.
We have been able to create a Github link too.
We were able to identify the technologies to be used to build our project. Client Side Scripting Language: HTML
Server Side Scripting Language: PHP
We believe artificial intelligence can improve our project through Chatbots, Semantic search and Quantitative Usability Testing. We have been able to check out our UI and also, we have started work on the backend. We have built a documentation on our app.
We have added the chatbot and cart for buying multiple things and blog where we will monetize the content there. It's left with monetization. Though it's the front end we are talking about not the back
With regards to the blockchain, it can be used to ensure the validity of a farmers and their produce as well as monetizing content on our web app
We have tested our web app
This competition has not been easy but my team has given this competition it's best. We have been able to test and submit all our breakthroughs. We hope our idea will see the light of day through this competition.
May the best time win.